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Leadership needed on climate

Recently I was disheartened to read about yet another one of our elected political leaders denying the reality of climate change. The science supporting the reality of climate change is objective science – which, whether we choose to believe it or not, is true.

As a result of this truth, our future as a civilization and the future of a million other species on Earth are in jeopardy. We therefore need intelligent, compassionate, forward thinking, problem solving, responsible political leaders who trust science to address how we go forward to manage and address this problem.

We’re all in this together. We’ve all been handed the same diagnosis. Each of our futures are linked together. We need each other and time is running out. We must act together and we must begin acting now. We cannot risk electing or re-electing political leaders that are not committed to helping us mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the future climate change holds for us.

Del Nord

Spokane Valley

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