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Fossil fuels still needed

The voters in the state of Washington voted down cap and trade, but Gov. Inslee is determined to initiate it by executive order. He has set a goal of no fossil fuels by 2030. He has proposed his goal of taxing fossil fuel producers, eliminating any new drilling, pipelines and fossil fuel power plants.

Gov. Brown of Oregon tried to push through cap and trade in Oregon. They got a near revolt from farmers and loggers and the bill finally failed. California already passed a cap and trade bill.

There is no present technology to eliminate many of the uses of petroleum. This came in the resistance from the logging industry. Of course Govs. Brown, Inslee and the environmental communities would just as soon eliminate timber harvest, pulp mills, saw mills and all the diesel and other fuels they use, even though it is a relatively small percentage of the total use.

Probably the biggest single entities consuming fossil fuels in the three states is the aircraft industry. If we shut down Seatac, Portland, Geiger, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramento and San Diego airports, we could make a huge dent in fossil fuel use.

We could convert the air terminals to entertainment centers, showing videos of exotic places around the world.

Kelly Niemi

Kelso, WA

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