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Trump has been good to military

I take issue with USAF veteran James W. Ramsey’s July 10 letter, “Fourth of July celebration hijack.” I served in the USAF for 20 years and I marched in a few military parades and it was an honor and I was proud. As of 1988, I received a military retirement check form the Air Force.

You, Mr. Ramsey are mistaken about the pay raises. Since 2013, Obama gave us two raises - at 1% and 0.01% and 0% in 2015. Trump has given us two larger raises at 2.04% and 2.08%.

What do you know about Trump’s spurs? Were you in the exam room? Do you ever wonder why Slick Willy Clinton didn’t serve? Check out and Also you might enjoy reading the book, “The Clinton Chronicles,” by retired Lt. Col. Tom McKenney. On Oct. 15 and Nov. 16 of 1969 while attending Oxford in England, Clinton organized and led anti-war demonstrations; they even burned the American flag. Of course the “liar in chief” denies it. Too bad Slick Willy, the proof is out there!

Also Biden has foot and mouth disease and his son has shady dealings with the Chinese.

Mr. Ramsey, because of people like you, I am even more determined to vote for Trump.

Dallas Garrison


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