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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

CMR’s reaction meaningless

So, in my humble opinion, our creme de la creme acolyte of Washington state’s 5th Congressional District decides to emerge or surface from the White House’s cesspool to have a voice! (“President’s ‘personal attacks’ wrong, McMorris Rodgers says,” July 16.) A cesspool whose leadership supports racism, white supremacists, misogyny, inhumane treatment of families and children seeking asylum, supports sexual predators, promotes gun violence and war. A cesspool whose leader displays a myriad of dysfunctional behaviors daily with endless lies (my firm opinion)! She has been in that cesspool for 907 days as of today and now decides to speak! For me her words are coated with feces and meaningless.

Would someone please turn off a particular Twitter account so those who are fed up with hateful rhetoric and lies can have peace?

Janet C. Smith


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