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Where’s the end?

What is the mystery about Trump being able to do what he’s done and is doing? Why are people acting like they are afraid of him - one man against the world?

There have been presidents impeached for far less than what he’s done and is doing. For one, the inhumane treatment of immigrants, women and children - all people - without showing any remorse of his actions. I bet his children are not going hungry or sleeping on concrete floors. They live high on the hog on our (the tax payer’s) taxes.

And what about how he’s handling the Iran crisis, the attacks overseas, etc.? He has no knowledge about being commander in chief, sworn in to protect our country and its people. Why is Congress allowing this to happen? No one is above the law. Who does he think he is? They talk of impeachment - why didn’t it happen long ago and why wait until election time? Impeach him now.

Dorothy Payne

Spokane Valley

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