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Fourth celebration hijacked

I agree wholeheartedly with former state Rep. Joe King that the recent attack on Joe Biden by his Democratic rivals for working across the aisle to get vital legislation passed was a disservice to our country. Biden, who as vice president, supported the two-term service of our first black American president, is anything but a racist.

It was a disservice to anyone who feels that getting rid of the tyrant now in the Oval Office is the No. 1 priority of all our people. Biden is far and away the most experienced candidate to replace the current president.

Trump’s plan to hijack America’s annual Fourth of July celebration and make it a political rally for his re-election campaign is just the latest in his fascist-type actions. (He tells our servicemen he has just given them their first pay raise in years when they have received pay raises for the last six years.)

“Cadet Bonespur,” as he is referred to by one of our U.S. Senate veterans because of his two medical deferments during the Vietnam war, is hardly the one to be celebrating our service members on July 4.

We all need to pull together, Democrats and disaffected Republicans, at the polls in 2020 to defeat this real threat to our nation.

James W. Ramsey, USAF veteran


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