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WPC not what it seems
In the guest opinion by Todd Myers, environmental director of the Washington Policy Center and a well-documented climate change skeptic (“Spokane greens fail the climate test,” June 30), he attacks Spokane elected officials who supported 350 Spokane, an organization focusing on the worldwide reduction of fossil fuel use. He challenged them as he does to financially support a greenhouse gas reducing project, which is in itself laudable. However in his response a Spokane business owner who said she had installed solar panels in her business, he criticizes her as “smug” and as making money off of hard working taxpayers and also of seeking the limelight for herself.
Once again the Washington Policy Center misrepresents itself as a local and statewide independent advocacy group supporting public policy in this case environmental concerns. Many who read this op-ed are not aware that the WPC has an ultra-Conservative agenda supported by big out of state interests sometimes called “dark money.”
Mr. Myers, who has no science credentials, believes he has reduced his own carbon footprint by 100%. If only it were that easy. Sadly this opinion piece serves confuse readers and to advance the philosophy of a free-wheeling hands off winner-take-all government.
Eileen Lyons