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Officers friendly at Hoopfest

Enforcement activities during upcoming Hoopfest is not what I see outlined in (Leonard Butters’ June 23 letter) as “armed to the teeth,” involving some misplaced fear on his part. His recommendation that the court monitors take on the role of policing, is not and should not be their responsibility. Their primary function is to make sure games start on time, scores are correct, and resolve court treated disputes, not provide security and policing.

I have found the presence of law enforcement pleasant and friendly. I personally have spoken to several members while walking from game to game, and they were enjoying the atmosphere of Hoopfest as much as the participants and people watching and cheering their families and friends on. I am grateful their presence is visible during Hoopfest. Stop and say hello to them if you have a chance, the image portrayed by Mr. Butters is not the experience I have had at all.

Steve Hintyesz


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