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Not paying for Inslee as president

We should be paying for a governor not a presidential candidate.

Washington’s governor, the one that’s running for a presidential office will show the whole United States this week at the Democratic Party National Debate on TV how to be a great humanitarian from Washington in his quest to incur an expense on Washington tax payers in the amount of $5.3 million dollars over the next two years for his presidential bid. He and his detachment of Washington State Police troopers will keep traveling around the country, staying at the best motels and eating at the best restaurants.

This presidential candidate announced he has raised $2.25 million in fundraising for his presidential campaign as of April 15, 2019. In fiscal year 2020, the Washington state patrol anticipates it will spend $5.3 million for his protection assuming he remains a candidate. Wouldn’t some of this money help pay the taxpayers back? But, let it be known in Washington, “It’s the law.”

I wonder if $2.25 million would help some of the Washington teachers and their families that have lost their jobs.

I hold “NO” respect for a person of this caliber, nor should you.

David Haderlie

Liberty Lake

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