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Do they really want the power in our hands?
In the guest opinion “Idaho House GOP took stand for smaller government” (June 22), the authors, top leadership members of the Republican party, claim to have reduced rules and regulations in state government, which might have some benefits, probably mainly for businesses.
However, they end their piece with the statement: “This process allowed Idaho to remove the shackles of demanding governance, and put more control where it belongs, in the hands of you, the people of Idaho.” Except they don’t want the people of Idaho to have much power. They were part of the majority of Republicans in the Legislature who voted to RESTRICT the people’s ability to pass citizen-led initiatives. We are fortunate that Gov. Brad Little vetoed that bill. Just another example of politicians speaking from both sides of their mouths.
Thanks to Sandpoint Sen. Jim Woodward and Rep. Heather Scott for joining the governor in opposing this ill-advised legislation.
John Harbuck