Let Chad White cook your Valentine’s Day dinner in downtown Spokane

Spokane’s own celebrity chef Chad White is preparing Valentine’s Day dinner in downtown Spokane.
On the menu: yellowfin tuna with ginger and beets, trout roe with potatoes and osyters, porchetta with strawberries and radish, cabbage with furikake and yogurt, lamb with roses and chocolate, and a dessert with apricots, lemon and sesame.
Tickets are $175 per person. And they’re on sale now.
In fact, there are only 16 seats – or room for eight more couples – left.
Dinner is from 7 to 10 p.m. Feb. 14 on the third floor of the old Washington Cracker Co. building, 304 W. Pacific Ave.
For tickets, go to www.eventbrite.com/e/exclusive-valentines-dinner-prepared-by-celebrity-chef-chad-white-tickets-55119504923.