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I-976 not in our interest

Enticing the electorate to vote against its own best interest has become the biggest untold story in the recent past. Kentuckians voted overwhelmingly for Trump because he and the Republicans were gonna repeal and replace Obamacare, even though 1.3 million (one-quarter of the population) Kentuckians benefit from the program. It’s also been said many didn’t know Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same program. ACA good, Obamacare bad. Politicians preyed on their ignorance.

Which brings me to Initiative 976. It seems Tim Eyman and Mike Fagan are preying on people’s inability to connect the dots between tax dollars and decent streets. At least 352,000 voters don’t understand road maintenance isn’t free. Complaints about potholes abound on the opinion page of The Spokesman-Review. Unfortunately, potholes don’t repair themselves. It takes money to transport ($) someone ($) in a truck ($), capable of hauling material ($) to repair the hole ($), which all costs, well, money.

Don’t vote against your own best interest! Everybody uses the roads. Even if you never leave home and shop exclusively at Amazon, your goods are delivered, by multiple vehicles, which have used numerous roads.

Steve LaCombe

Spokane Valley

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