Kelley Wentworth, a farmer’s daughter from Ephrata, makes her third run at a ‘Survivor’ title

A farmer’s daughter from Ephrata is making her third attempt to win the CBS reality contest “Survivor” starting tonight.
Kelley Wentworth, who now lives in Seattle, previously competed with her father, Dale Wentworth, in “Survivor: San Juan de Sur” in 2014. She was voted back on by fans for 2015’s “Survivor: Second Chance,” filmed in Cambodia. She finished fourth that season.
The 31-year-old marketing manager is one of four returning players brought back for this season, the show’s 38th edition, which filmed in Fiji.
According to various news accounts, CBS has added a new twist to the show. Host Jeff Probst told US Weekly that once contestants are eliminated during tribal council, they’ll be given the option of going home or continuing to play in a remote, desolate location called Extinction Island.
Probst likened it to the losers bracket in sports. “I like the second chance,” he told the magazine. “I like the underdog. I like telling the winner, ‘If you’re so good, beat me again.’ ”
He was asked of the four veteran players, who he thought would go the furthest. He replied, “My pick is Wentworth to win the game. She’s got so many skills.”
In her cast bio, Wentworth, who graduated from Ephrata High School in 2004, said her reason for coming a third time was simple: “I have one thing left to do in this game: win.”