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A levy option

I will be voting against the police and fire levy. I agree with Mayor Condon on this one. Chief Schaeffer said he will not replace his assistant (who earned $165,000), and use the money to pay for two positions. That’s a great plan.

Ben Stuckart said if he had other options, he would not add a new tax increase. Here’s a plan.

The medium income for Spokane is $46,000; nearly $10,000 less than the state average. Approximately 25 percent of city employees make over $100,000. Let’s take $25,000 off the salary of those employees (still earning $75,000 or more). They will still be making a great wage as public servants in a city with over 19 percent of our children living in poverty.

That would bring in $12 million. We can fund police and fire, increase Human Services to the dismal 3 percent promised so long ago, and use the extra to support those most in need.

Louise Chadez


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