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A necessary evil

Now that the House of Representatives has brought impeachment proceedings against Trump, here are my reasons for it.

First, Trump has not lived up to the Oath of Office to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution against all foreign and domestic enemies from Day One. Those words were just mindless to him. He defends Russia and Putin every day.

Second, he is not obeying the Emolument Clause, he is still making money from his business interests. He needs to realize that the country is not the Trump Nation, but the United States of America, and our democratic republic is for the people and by the people — not by what Trump says it is to be.

WOW, all of a sudden he has found the Second Article of the Constitution and he thinks that since he was elected and is president he is above the law and can do anything he so desires? Wrong! As long as he is a citizen, he still must obey the law of the land, which is the Constitution. He is not our king, just a wannabe dictator.

He still thinks that the USA is still the most respected country in the world? Again another lie!

I can’t wrap my head around the actions of the Congress and Trump followers. They continue every day to look through rose-colored glasses and bury their heads in the sand.

He continues to shred the Constitution on a daily basis. If he isn’t stopped now, he will continue to do so as long as he can. These are some of the reasons why the Founding Fathers included the Impeachment clause. Yes, impeachment is a necessary evil.

Barb Beck


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