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Progressive? I don’t think so

Liberals now wish to be called “progressives.” Webster lists several definitions, but the one liberals probably prefer is “moving forward, advancing.” Progressives like to feel they are moving forward on a lot of issues, and they remind us of them at every opportunity.

“We need a $15 minimum wage for everyone,” shouts Bernie Sanders. But he refuses to pay his campaign staff $15. Elizabeth Warren decries corporate greed, yet she falsely claimed to have enough Native American blood to get a huge discount on her Harvard tuition. Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio tell us the world will end in our lifetime if we don’t stop adding carbon to the atmosphere. They are so worried about it that they fly all over the world in their private jets spewing carbon to make sure everyone gets the message!

Progressives demand more gun control. Chicago, run by progressives, has the strictest gun control laws in America. It also has the highest gun homicide rate. Liberal policies have led to the huge increase in homeless in our most liberal cites, and in a return to the Dark Ages we now are blessed with bubonic plague again.

Progressives? More like regressives to me!

Hal Dixon


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