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Lack of morality causes bullying

This is in response to Joyce Roskelley’s letter on Aug. 15. With all due respect Ms. Roskelley, I disagree with you on bullying. To me, it seems Trump is having to deal with political and media bullies. Anyone associated with Trump is also bullied. Some might even think that Sarah Sanders and other Trump supporters being harassed and chased out of public places might be bullying. What do you think?

I also was bullied when Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ were presidents. I couldn’t even walk down the hallways in high school without bullies yelling names at me; it happened every day between every class. Killing these tormentors entered my thoughts all the time. Maybe if I had access to a gun, who knows.

These presidents weren’t bullies, yet bullies have always been there. Ms. Roskelley, there was not one teacher that tried to help me; they saw the bullying and they ignored it. I went to the principal’s office myself. That did not help either.

There is no morality left in America since we tossed God out of our schools and tore down the Ten Commandments. Quoting President John Adams: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He state this on Oct. 11, 1798.

Maybe I didn’t turn to violence because I knew right from wrong. I knew God was around. This is what’s missing in America today because there have always been bullying and guns.

Maybe Obama was right when he said, “We are no longer a Christian nation.”

Helen Garrett


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