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Don’t let it be the norm

My heart broke to know about the two recent mass killings within 24 hours of each other in which 31 lives were lost and 53 people were injured. This must not become the new norm in America.

Along with deep sadness, I feel anger with our federal government which has not done enough to prevent the continual loss of innocent lives. Our representatives have not even funded research into the causes of this epidemic. They have not passed Universal Gun Background Checks with all loopholes closed. And they have not banned weapons of war, primarily the AK-47 that in 31 seconds killed nine and wounded 27 in Dayton, Ohio and was used in the El Paso slaughter inside and outside Walmart.

I am also angry with America’s gun culture. What amazes me most is the heartlessness of gun owners. Why can’t they see that it could be their beloved who is the next victim? It already is their loved ones who have lost their innocence and trust because they fear death by another human in their school and community.

No one should have these weapons of war. The government is not coming after you and your guns. Stop being paranoid. Don’t read and believe all the fear-mongering conspiracies of the internet.

Instead, let’s all be vigilant with our youth. Let’s spend quality time with them and encourage them to be participants in our community not over consumers of negative website content that has inspired gun violence.

Robin Ivey-Black

Colville, Wash.

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