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Guns aren’t the answer

I wish to respectfully address James Alto and his question (“Armed citizens,” Aug. 10) – would I choose “an unarmed elderly person or an armed veteran” as a neighbor. I totally understand that Mr. Alto is feeling like he needs to protect everyone. But I humbly suggest that he think about one “unarmed elderly person” - me. I hope my neighbors appreciate that I am here to watch out for them: pick up their UPS packages left on their doorsteps. I can dog/cat sit, bake cookies, listen to joys and sorrows with an understanding ear.

I have traveled in countries where armed guards stand in front of banks, grocery stores and pharmacies. This is not what I consider freedom. I would gladly put my life on the line for anyone and in my 69 years I have never felt that my life has been in serious danger. Nothing that I own is worth the taking of a life. My philosophy is: “Be street smart, stay away from danger if you can avoid it, but if it comes down to it - I would rather talk my way out of something than have a gun in my hand.

Also, I have always felt safe here (I’ve lived in some tough ‘hoods). Being a good neighbor is better than any gun I could own. Thanks, Mr. Alto, but I don’t need your protection. I pray that you may open your heart soon and feel less threatened in this world. Guns aren’t the answer – love is!

Mary Naber


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