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Help us demand action

My heart is broken after hearing about another shooting, this time in El Paso, Texas.

I am 16 years old, and the leader of Spokane’s chapter of Students Demand Action. I had the honor of attending Gun Sense University in Washington, D.C. It was truly inspiring to see over 2,000 members of Moms Demand Action, Students Demand Action, and survivors from all around the country. Here in Washington, we are fortunate to have representatives in office who support background-check legislation.

However, you can help this legislation become reality by urging senators from other states to support it, because gun violence is an issue that affects every American, and together we can help reduce it. Join Moms Demand Action by texting READY to 644-33 to help us empower volunteers in red and purple states to make sure that their senators support this common-sense legislation too. If you are a student, text STUDENTS to 644-33 to join Students Demand Action.

Rosie Zhou


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