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Crapo doesn’t get it

On Aug. 5 I drove to unincorporated Cataldo, Idaho (pop. 100) to attend Idaho Republican Sen. Mike Crapo’s town hall meeting. It is very obvious he’s afraid to hold his meetings in more populous Coeur d’Alene (pop. 44,000) or Moscow (pop. 30,000) because he would likely get negative feedback from citizens in those communities. He apparently selected Cataldo because he thought it was deep in redneck country. However, he couldn’t have been more wrong because the 12-15 people who attended were angry and loaded for bear.

In lieu of all the mass killings, he continues to stand up for Second Amendment rights. He even admitted he takes money (bribes?) from the NRA. He argued that the solution to the mass killings is to prevent mentally ill and angry people from acquiring weapons (Trump’s talking point), and that purchasing semi-automatic weapons is OK with him. Several people spoke up, saying assault weapons are not for hunting, but for killing people. He seemed to ignore their comments. One angry man in the crowd asked if he was a benefactor of the NRA’s dark money coming from Russia.

Crapo left the meeting as he had arrived: in the county sheriff’s vehicle escorted by the sheriff and two heavily armed deputies who also stood in the back of the room during the meeting.

Unfortunately, the senator just doesn’t get it, and needs to be encouraged to resign as soon as possible, or be voted out of office!

David Egolf

Troy, Idaho

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