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Speak up, Republicans
I am so tired of people who say they won’t speak against the tweets and tirades of this president because they like his policies.
I would like to hear from one parent whose child lies to them five-ten times a day, but accepts it because the child does his chores and keeps his room clean. Name me a parent who accepts that his child is a bully at school and says hateful things to the other students and the teacher because the child gets A’s on his report card. Name a spouse who is happy that their partner supplies financial support for them and the children and therefore will forgive multiple infidelities and humiliation.
I am so tired of the lack of moral courage of the Republican Party to speak against his racist and hate-baiting rants. Hey, lawmakers – you can walk and chew gum, I hope. Give Trump credit and support for his policies, but please call him out for his total lack of civility and common decency. If you don’t speak against it, then don’t blame me for thinking you are of the same mind as the president and you agree with lies and cruelty.
Cheryl Hughes
Moses Lake