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Woodward and the OPO

Nadine Woodward has a lot to learn about our city before she can even think about becoming our mayor. Woodard stated in the July 23 Spokesman that she has one issue with the ombudsman situation: “I think the disciplinary measures need to come from the police chief.” Guess what Nadine? Our police chief does do the discipline. The Office of Police Ombudsman (OPO) cannot discipline!

The OPO, established and voted on by the citizens of Spokane (City of Spokane Charter, Section 129), “ensures that investigation of complaints against police officers are accomplished in a timely, fair, and thorough manner; provide visible, professional, independent civilian oversight of police officers; provide policy makers with recommendations on improvements to police policy, training and recruitment; and reassure the public that investigations into complaints and allegations of police misconduct are conducted in a timely, thorough, and objective manner.”

Nadine - you did a ride-along with our police force. Perhaps now – you can visit the ombudsman office in City Hall and learn what they do!

John Rose


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