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Thiessen’s unequal standards

Marc Thiessen’s editorial (S-R, Sept. 9) advising government workers to “serve honorably or don’t serve at all” should be applied to President Trump’s entire administration.

With all his average 7.5 lies per day and court cases involving infidelity and corruption, President Trump is not serving honorably. Using Thiessen’s standard, Trump should resign.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and spokesperson Sarah Sanders lie almost as much as Trump, so using Thiessen’s standard they should resign too.

Chief of staff John Kelly ignored spousal abuse by his own staffer and was caught lying about Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson. Not honorable by any standard, so he should resign.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions chanted “lock her up” at a high school assembly, knowing full well there are no legal grounds to indict Hillary Clinton. For that hypocrisy, Sessions should resign.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Housing Secretary Ben Carson have each been caught in several dishonorable ethical abuses, so let’s see their resignations.

Marc Thiessen is typical of right-wing pundits. They play the honor and ethics cards when it suits them, but ignore the corruption and stench of dishonesty when it’s right under their noses.

Paul Oman

Clarkston, Washington

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