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Stop politicizing football

I’m one of those who have turned off the NFL. I love football. But I love my country more. However, I came up with a solution that might bring me back.

There is some validity for people having the right to express their opinion but it should be equitable. Therefore, let athletes who are Trump supporters wear MAGA hats, PETA supporters could have T-shirts with dead lobsters on them, feminist supporters could wear those funny pink hats and Southerners could fly the stars and bars.

Or, how about if we just stop politicizing football which, until now, has always been a game that has brought us together in spite of our differences? But if you can’t at least respect our flag enough to realize that the freedom to express our opinions was something that men and women fought and died for, then perhaps you should leave and go find a country that does it better. Good luck.

Stephen Combs


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