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In need of a blue wave

In any Western democracy, Donald Trump would not be president. He lost the election by 3 million votes. Since when do we Americans not accept that one man/woman equals one vote? Since when should a vote in California be worth less than a vote in Idaho? Remember “One Nation under God”?

The Republicans prevented a vote on Obama’s legitimate Supreme Court nominee for 10 months until after the election for purely illegitimate political reasons, but now they are rushing to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court before the election in a few weeks. This is hypocrisy to the tenth degree.

Kavanaugh stated years ago that a sitting president should be above the law and should not be prosecuted for any unlawful act. Naturally, Trump wants to have Kavanaugh on the court. Against all odds, I hope for two fair-minded Republican senators to vote no on Kavanaugh.

Our nation needs desperately a blue wave in November.

Juergen Nolthenius

Coeur d’Alene

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