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Konis experienced, dedicated

There were nearly 40,000 voters who didn’t make a selection for the position of Spokane County assessor in our recent primary. Perhaps some of those non-votes occurred because both candidates are Republicans. Some voters may have assumed that the two candidates would have the same approach to the job because they share a party affiliation. That assumption would be unfortunate.

The Assessor’s Office position calls for leadership, creativity and dedication, as the staff is responsible for revaluing, inspecting, and maintaining mapping data for property parcels. The assessor does not create property tax policy or adjust tax rates, making the position nonpartisan. Voters should select a leader who will provide timely information, fair property assessments and clear procedures and guidance for senior exemptions and appeals.

Tom Konis has my support for Spokane County assessor. His 25 years in the Assessor’s Office ensures a smooth transition to a knowledge-based new administration. Spokane County is thriving with tremendous construction and business growth, and Tom Konis’ experienced leadership will be vital to the success of the Assessor’s Office.

Joyce Mann


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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