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Ignorance is decaying society

The letter “Religion being buried” by Douglas R. Benn (Sept. 11, 2018) asserted that science leads people to immoral behavior and only his version of Christianity will save us.

Jesus taught that we are to love God with all our heart, soul and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. Science is not a belief system. Science, when true to itself, is a system of reason, observation and correction. We do not “believe in science.” We either respect the use of our minds or we don’t. Science is not decaying society; ignorance is.

If God needs to keep us ignorant to keep us believing, then that is a very small god. We were given minds — use them. Ask questions. Never blindly follow. Come to conclusions and should those conclusions show a new direction, change direction. Good science, like good religion, needs large doses of humility.

The Divine gave us a heart, mind and soul. The world is a better place when we use all three to love our God, our neighbor and even our enemy.

Rev. Gen Heywood, Veradale UCC

Spokane Valley

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