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Separation is always traumatic

Children separated from their mother? First off, think back to the Congress made up of both parties that approved this program.

Now think about what happens in every country around the world when a mother is put in a holding or prison situation. Their children are taken away to be cared for by family or government-directed child-care facilities until the mother has gone through the congressional mandated process.

Why are people being showcased in the media decrying the current administration’s efforts to reunite these separated families when the illegals have knowingly broken the laws of our country?

Do those people who believe our borders should be open without vetting think that those separated children miss their mothers any more than the ones in Spokane as they see their legally born or documented mothers being led away after sentencing?

The trauma and bewilderment is surely the same.

Cooperation from the Mexican government would go a long way with stopping this sad situation that Democrats and Republicans had approved in attempt to make our country a safe place for all of us.

The current administration and its border security forces are trying their best to enforce the laws as mandated by past congresses.

Larry E. Connelly

Liberty Lake

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