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Troy doesn’t support public lands

I do not trust Caroline Nilsson Troy to represent District 5’s interests, especially to protect Idaho’s public lands.

In 2017, she voted against transparency for management of our public lands in a really bizarre way. She went out of her way to kill a resolution giving regular Idahoans a clear understanding of our Idaho public lands, what we use them for, and how much they are worth. When I asked why, her explanation depended on misrepresentations. She misrepresented the Idaho Department of Lands position to me. When I contradicted her with facts obtained directly from IDL, she modified her statement. Then, she misrepresented the resolution she worked to overturn. She was quite irritated I just didn’t accept her misrepresentations.

Now, according to public record, Brad Little is verifying how to trade away public IDL land to private interests. If he wins, we need a protector and defender for our hunters, fishermen and other beneficiaries of our public lands.

Ms. Troy failed to prove she was a friend to public lands in both 2017 and 2018. We need a representative who will keep her word. I am therefore endorsing Laurene Sorensen for Idaho House Seat District 5B.

David Morse

Moscow, Idaho

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