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Wilson focused on our needs

Most importantly … vote!

And when you do, I urge the voters to vote for Dave Wilson for state representative in District 6, Position No. 2. We need someone who understands our needs and will represent us in Olympia.

I first became acquainted with Dave in 2016 when he ran for the United States Congress as an independent candidate. I was impressed by his great listening skills and his ideas about the role of government in our lives.

He will bring common sense as well as life and business experience gained when he was running his own business. We can count on him to deal with other legislators and his constituents with civility and honesty. He may be the most thoughtful and responsive candidate I have ever met.

While he is running as a Democrat, I believe he will continue to view issues independently with a focus on the needs of the 6th District rather than bicker with the partisans. I am proud to put my name down as a supporter of Dave Wilson. Let’s fix the problem and not tolerate more of the same. Vote for a different type of legislator.

Frank L. Neeri


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