Two Lime scooters found at bottom of Spokane River
Two Lime scooters have been found in the Spokane River.
It’s not known how the bright-green-and-white motorized scooters got there, but the Post Street Bridge stretches over a part of the river where Wednesday about 1,350 cubic feet of water rushed past every second.
Lime’s business model anticipates a degree of vandalism. Across the country, Lime scooters, bikes and other ride-sharing vehicles are periodically thrown into lakes and rivers. However, the company says such actions are limited in scope.
“In reality, less than 1 percent of our bikes are vandalized nationwide,” said Isaac Gross, general manager with Lime Washington. “These are all GPS-tracked. We know where they are. We can monitor users for behavior.”
The scooters are between two river dams operated by Avista.
“Unfortunately, the river between the dams is off-limits,” said Marlene Feist, spokesperson for the city of Spokane. Retrieval is not anticipated “any time soon.”
Lime’s statement said it is working with Avista and the Parks Department and retrieval will occur “when it is safe to do so.”
Feist said the city is not responsible for the equipment owned by Lime, and the vandalized scooters won’t cost the city anything. Lime said it will fix scooters that are repairable.
Lime scooters and bikes are halfway through a two-month-long trial period in Spokane.