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Tariffs are taxes

“Washington consumers have paid an estimated $100 million more for imported goods since the Trump administration increased tariffs on some products coming into the United States.” Thus begins the front-page article by Jim Camden (“State feels the bite from tariffs,” Nov. 16). While we consumers pay higher prices to offset the cost of tariffs to importers, the tariffs themselves are paid to our federal government. In other words, the tariffs are federal taxes.

Prior to the Income Tax Law of 1913, tariffs were a major revenue source for our federal government. The income tax has been seen as fairer because it is based on ability to pay. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, a proud achievement of our current administration, significantly reduced corporate and income taxes in ways primarily benefiting the wealthy. These tax cuts, along with higher government spending in selected areas such as defense, have resulted in substantial increases in recent and projected federal deficits.

Are you ready for the good news? The increased prices we consumers pay represent tariff revenue to our federal government that in a small way offsets the deficit. Do you feel better about higher prices now?

Howard Glass


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