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Trump’s comments disgraceful

President Trump’s comments about Adm. William McRaven saying he should have found Osama bin Laden earlier reflect his total ignorance of how the intelligence community and military worked together to protect our nation. The CIA’s mission was to identify where Osama bin Laden was located. The Special Ops team, under the leadership of Adm. McCraven (Joint Special Operations Command), executed the plan to get Osama bin Laden twenty-five minutes after President Obama approved Operation Neptune Spear.

This is an example of Trump not understanding or supporting the military. Other examples include:

- His comments about Sen. John McCain not being a Vietnam War hero.

- His comments about a Muslim Gold Star family whose son gave his life for our country.

- His telling Sgt. Johnson’s widow, “Well, he knew what he signed up for.”

- His cancellation of participation in the 100-year WWI memorial ceremony in France because the rain might mess up his hair.

- His failure to visit Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day.

- His failure to visit the U.S. military fighting in Afghanistan.

As a veteran, I will definitely remember all of this - as well as Trump’s continuous lying - when I vote in 2020.

Mike McCarty


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