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No second chance for victims
I am writing in response to a letter printed in the Nov. 14 edition of the Spokesman-Review (“Criminal sentencing reform”). The letter printed was from Naveed Haq.
Naveed Haq is a man who in a premeditated plan went into the Jewish Federation Building in Seattle and went on a rampage, killing one woman, shooting five other women, and terrorized a 14-year-old child and is now in the prison system.
Naveed Haq was sentenced to life imprisonment for his heinous hate crimes yet wrote a letter extolling the grand education he is receiving at taxpayers’ expense. Nowhere does he express any remorse over what he did to the lives of these seven people and all others related to these unfortunates.
I am appalled that this man has the temerity to say “People should be given a second chance.” Pamela Waechter will never have a second chance - Naveed killed her!
If he had really “found a new meaning and purpose for my life” as he said, I would respect a dedication of his life to regret for his actions and a pursuit of support for the lives he so wantonly ruined. Instead, he seems to be dedicated to helping himself and others who are in prison but not to the atonement for his sins against humanity.
There should be no “second chance” for someone like Naveed. The state of Washington will spend something like 1.5 to 2 million dollars incarcerating him and will get nothing in return! I supported the death penalty and in his case it should have been used.
Ron Rudnick
Liberty Lake