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No enforcement for Lime?

Since when is it OK to ride an electric-assisted scooter or bicycle on a city sidewalks, forcing pedestrians to step aside to avoid being hit, RCW 46.61.710(3)?

When should Mayor David Condon and Rob Curley promote riding on city sidewalks (Spokesman, Nov. 10, 2018)? When did the city stop enforcing Municipal Code 10.17.030(A), helmet safety? When did the city stop enforcing RCW 46.37.530(C), helmet law? When did the city stop enforcing RWC 46.30.020, liability and financial responsibility regarding motor vehicles registered with the city or state?

Eventually, someone is going to be seriously hurt and the city of Spokane will be responsible. Other violations include riding the wrong way on city streets, riding on sidewalks as well as various trails — and of course riding while intoxicated, along with numerous other statute and code violations. As for injuries, see “E-scooter-related ER reports spike by 160 percent,” (Sept. 30, 2018) and “Lime test is no guarantee” (Jim Bickel, Letters, Sept. 28, 2018).

Bruce A. Kaiser


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