A blue - and women’s - wave
The Republican ability to ignore reality is again shown by John Wozniak’s letter (“What wave?” Nov. 11, 2018). As of now, the GOP picked up only two Senate seats in a very extremely beneficial choice of which seats were up for election. At the same time, they’ve lost 32 seats in the House of Representatives. One tangent to note is that they won those seats with the same vote margin the GOP had when they won more than 60 seats in Obama’s first mid-term, showing clearly that Republican voter disenfranchisement is working to cling to power.
The Democrats also picked up seven governor’s mansions and turned six states to full administrative and legislative branch control.
In addition, the GOP has been bragging for years that Obama lost 1,000 Democratic state house seats in his eight years in office. In this one election, the GOP lost one-third of those seats - more than 300.
There was clearly a blue wave. Of even more importance, it wasn’t just a blue wave - it was a women’s wave. There are more than 100 women who will be in the House come January, and Mr. Wozniak displays exactly why CMR is one of the few in the GOP. Most women are smart enough to be Democrats.
David Teich
Spokane Valley