New parking garage in downtown Coeur d’Alene opens Tuesday

A new parking garage in downtown Coeur d’Alene is opening just in time for the holidays.
The $7.6 million garage will open with an 11 a.m. ribbon-cutting Tuesday at 318 E. Coeur d’Alene Ave.
The 4 1/2-story garage contains about 350 paid parking spaces for downtown visitors and business employees. There also is some retail space fronting Third Street.
The entrance for the general public is on Coeur d’Alene Avenue. About 90 spaces are provided for monthly pass holders through a secured entrance on Third Street.
The first two hours of parking are free. For three or more hours of public parking, the rate is $1 per hour. Parking for special events – such as holiday parades – is $10.Secured parking is available for a monthly rate of $75.
Miller-Stauffer Architects designed the parking garage, which was built by T. LaRiviere Inc.
Funding for the garage was provided by ignite cda, the city of Coeur d’Alene’s urban renewal agency.