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Be grateful for America

The elections are over for now. Politicians are already fundraising for 2020 and the blame continues.

The naysayers of our America will always find fault. Yet, we in America have the most free and prosperous nation in the world. We are a young nation, found by the explorers in 1492, land already inhabited by Native Americans. People fought for this land and won, but the verbal war goes on.

It is 2018. Our America is only a few hundred years old. Look how far we have come. Yet we continue to complain. Continue the blame and victim game. We not all can be wealthy, we cannot all be poor. We are a variety of folks that make this nation the most desirable to live in.

Accept who you are, not what others expect you to be. Accept what you have and be grateful for that. Just stop the whining. America is a great place.

Marilyn Calkins


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