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Voter civility

If you can’t say somethin’ nice …

To support those who have also chosen to vote for Lisa I’ve been wearing my Lisa Brown T-shirt, carrying my American flag and waving my Lisa Brown sign around town. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind — as if I could.

I’m 72 years old … a friendly little old lady on the curb at an intersection, smiling and waving at the passers-by. I don’t verbally say anything to anyone. A lot of people have honked, waved and thumbs-up at me. However, what has me baffled is that some of the people who oppose Lisa express a need to “tell” me what they think from a distance. A gentle “no-thanks” wave is polite and civil. However, an angry thumbs down, a violent one-finger salute and “graphic” language is just plain rude. It seems “personal” … aimed at me. Would they do this to their mothers or grandmothers over differences of opinion?

My Mama said: “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” I think this should go for mean-spirited gestures and obscenities toward total strangers, too. Can’t we disagree without being disagreeable?

Judy Armes

Spokane Valley

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