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Spokesman Review endorsement of CMR

The Review endorsement of CMR is, sadly, a missed opportunity. The editors could have recommended one of the most gifted, insightful and successful legislators to have ever served Eastern Washington, Lisa Brown.

Her doctorate in economics coupled with eleven years as a professor of organizational leadership at Gonzaga University, four years as chancellor of WSU Spokane and eight years as the first female majority leader of the Washington state Senate are formidable credentials rarely seen in public servants. She is a perfect synthesis of the remarkable attributes that are currently at play as we seek to redefine what it means to live and work in our rapidly evolving region.

By comparison, McMorris Rodgers has a strikingly minimalist portfolio. She has dogmatically sided with the Trump administration 97 percent of the time, pursuing an agenda that is one of the most partisan and destructive of modern times.

Alternatively, speaking as a candidate for this office, Lisa Brown has constantly underscored the importance of serving as an independent voice reflecting the broad diversity of her constituents and their interests. Hers would be a smart, strong voice rising above the fray of party politics in an effort to effectively solve problems with pragmatism and flexibility.

Glenn Davis


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