Another pathetic socialist
Hey Shawn Vestal,
Thanks for the ridiculous Democrat/progressive/socialist article promoting a state income tax (“State ranks last in tax fairness,” Oct. 26, 2018). I’m sure we would be ponying up 9 percent like California and Oregon do if it is enacted. Does the state of Washington analyze existing programs (like welfare) first and see what programs are really working and fix or remove ones that don’t? You never hear about that. All you Lib’s want is more of our money!
Are you going down with 9 percent of your money from each paycheck and handing out cash to the homeless? Are you writing a check each payday back to the state of Washington for social programs, etc? If not, then you are a hypocrite of the highest order! Give your money away if you want, but don’t offer up mine too!
See, I don’t like giving any more of MY MONEY than I have to for bloated governments who think they know how to spend it better than I do. The state is now collecting tax for online purchases, and they are trying for a state income tax, carbon tax and food tax. Where does it end?
You need to wake up, Vestal.
Joel Fertakis