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Vote NO on 1639

I just received my 2018 Washington Voters pamphlet. Initiative 1639 is presented therein.

According to the pamphlet, “this initiative would add new requirements for the purchase of a semiautomatic assault rifle (SAR). Buyers would be required to provide proof that they have completed a recognized firearm safety program within the past five year.”

No provision is seen that would exempt a person who has hunted safely for 20, 30 or 40 years from taking a safety course. It also means that you could not buy a .22 semi auto for your son, daughter, niece, nephew, granddaughter or grandson without having to take the course. Note that the definition of a semiautomatic assault rifle includes a .22.

Another provision is “if a person if found ineligible to possess a pistol or SAR, the Department of Licensing is required to notify a chief of police or sheriff, who then takes steps to ensure that the person does not illegally possess one. Associated costs are indeterminate.” So this means that already shorthanded agencies must go to a convicted felon’s place of residence and ask him, “Do you have a prohibited weapon today?” and expect a truthful answer.

Also in the pamphlet it is noted that “the United States Supreme Court invalidated a similar law as a violation of the Second Amendment …” So, we can save ourselves a lot of trouble and expenses by voting NO.

Aris Frederick


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