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Ensure your vote counts

In the 2004 election for Washington state governor, Christine Gregoire bested Dino Rossi by around 130 votes from the entire state. While I voted that year, I was informed by a letter about a month after the election that my ballot was not counted as the signature did not match what was on record.

My finger dexterity is low so I use my arm in writing my signature. Thus, the signature is big and rarely fits into the boxes provided on any documents. I went to the agency to update or correct what they had on file with identification.

The representative there stated that if I had put my phone number on the outside envelope that is to be signed, I would have received a phone call and the signature problem could have been rectified. My vote would have been counted.

So I encourage all to place the phone number in the space provided on the outside envelope when voting this midterm election. Make sure that your vote is counted.

Gregg Young


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