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Clover shares citrus-herb brine recipe in time for Thanksgiving

Scott McCandless swears by his brine – for chicken, pork and Thanksgiving turkeys.

He owns Clover with his wife Liz. The fine-dining restaurant, opened six years ago, is tucked inside a Craftsman-style house near the Gonzaga University campus. Its seasonal chicken dish – brined in this citrus-herb mixture – is one of its most-ordered dishes.

“The chicken in all forms,” – piri piri, marsala, piccata – “is one of our best-sellers,” he said, adding his brine “is great for turkey, too.”

He shares the recipe here, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Clover is at 913 E. Sharp Ave. Call (509) 487-2937. On the web:

Citrus-Herb Brine for Chicken, Turkey or Pork Tenderloins

From Scott McCandless of Clover

1 gallon cold water

1 cup kosher Salt

1 cup dark brown sugar

6 sprigs fresh sage

6 sprigs fresh rosemary

6 sprigs fresh thyme

6 sprigs fresh parsley

2 lemons, quartered

2 oranges, quartered

1 small yellow onion, chopped

1 garlic bulb, smashed

1 tablespoons whole peppercorns

Place water in a large pot (big enough to hold the turkey or chicken). Add the brown sugar and kosher salt, and stir until dissolved. Rough chop the herbs, and place them into cheese cloth, form a pouch, tie it together with kitchen string, and place it into the water. Squeeze juice from lemons and oranges into the water, then drop the remaining fruit into the pot. Add remaining ingredients. Submerge turkey or chicken and allow to soak, refrigerated, overnight (chicken) or for two days (turkey).