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S-R article a lifesaver

My husband and I are active great-grandparents who enjoy reading the Spokesman-Review each morning.

Recently I read the article highlighting the fact that women’s heart attack symptoms differ greatly from men’s. I noticed the seven warning signs and realized I was experiencing several, but only when very active. Nothing extremely painful, as the article stated. But there, nonetheless. I cut out the article and resumed my busy activities.

The next week, while briskly walking, there was that pain in my upper back, as well as slight pressure on my chest and a tingling in my arms. When I sat down, I felt fin.

By the time I got to my doctor, I was experiencing five of the seven symptoms. Like the article state, non were extreme. He took an EKG and promptly sent me to Sacred Heart (no detours) where they admitted me and performed a stent on my plugged artery. Their cardiac team is amazingly efficient.

I’m sure that without that article, I would have ignored my symptoms, blaming them on our very active lifestyle. Then, perhaps, I would have experienced “The Big One,” too late for help.

Thank you, Spokesman-Review, for that timely article. Perhaps it’s one you should reprint often.

Alyce Kunze

Nine Mile Falls

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