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Pay attention to Initiative 1631

In working to collect signatures for Initiative 1631, I asked passersby, “Would you like to help us try to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?” or “Would you like to help us try to protect the environment for your children?” Responses were usually: “No, thank you,” “Not today” or “I’m not interested”.

I usually try to avoid signing petitions as well, so I understand these responses, however with 1631 it’s important that we pay attention. Remember the saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? Initiative 1631 is well thought out.

Initiative 1631 would impose pollution fees on certain large emitters of greenhouse gases and use revenues generated to reduce pollution, promote clean energy and address climate impacts to the environment and communities.

Without major reductions to greenhouse gas emissions, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projects a 9– to 11-degree Fahrenheit warmer world by 2080. If the resulting extreme heat waves do not get to us, then the attendant increasing extreme weather events as well as numerous tipping points that will be crossed (food production, release of methane, ocean currents, etc.) surely will.

Please support Initiative 1631, and sign the petition if you get a chance.

Del Nord

Spokane Valley

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