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Learning is engaging

Although school is a great place for education and allowing students to grow in subjects, teachers and staff members don’t realize the amount of stress and boredom students have during class. As a current freshman in high school, I have had multiple experiences where a class is not very exciting. Of course, sometimes class isn’t supposed to be exciting, but in order to engage students with a lesson and help them understand what teachers have been instructing them, things need to change.

Instead of giving us a worksheet every day in math class, maybe we could play a game relating to the lesson or even use other tools like whiteboards or electronics to help us learn while having fun. No student likes writing notes and being told to study them for a quiz at the end of the week. We have five other classes to be stressed for, and piling notes and projects on top of that will not help this case.

By surrounding students with a fun, yet helpful environment, schools could see an increase in grades and overall happier attitudes. Students shouldn’t be dreading to go to school but enjoying it instead.

Nicole Arnold


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