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Damaging domestic violence

Recently, my father took my siblings and me to see the new film “I Can Only Imagine.” It tells the story of Bart Millard, a singer-songwriter who was abused by his father as a child. His father also abused his mother and Bart struggled with the scarring memories for his whole life. It was only until his father became terminally ill when Bart and his father repaired their damaged relationship.

Not only did this film open my eyes about the power of Christ, it also helped me see how damaging domestic violence is and how it is everywhere. The abuse that Bart’s mother dealt with cause her to leave her family and left Bart alone with his abusive father. Domestic violence is a serious problem in our society. We need to make a difference. Stop victim blaming, spread awareness and support those who have been affected by domestic violence. Stand up and speak out. On average, 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, and one in 15 children are exposed to domestic violence. It is time to make a difference and protect each other.

Kirstin Hansen


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