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Little for a proud Idaho
The Brad Little running for governor of Idaho that I see described in opponent’s ads bears no resemblance to the Brad Little I’ve come to know.
I first “met” Brad through his sons, who were attending the University of Idaho. Both solid, level-headed young men, and I told my wife then that those boys have been raised by good parents. Then, at Moms Weekends at UI, I met their mother. I still had no clue that they were related to the lieutenant governor — it wasn’t mentioned and it was several years later I found out they were related. That’s typical of the family I came to know. They don’t go around like most politicians telling everyone within earshot that they think they’re important. I like that. A lot.
Brad Little is a decent, hard-working third-generation Idahoan who has a high standard of conduct in all his dealings and we know he deserves our votes. We hope you reading this will join us. He’ll keep us proud of Idaho!
J. Gary Post
Moscow, Idaho